Free Aquatic Center Guide

Guide to Lowering Costs At Your Commercial Aquatics Center

If you'd like to decrease the operating costs at your Aquatic Center, this Guide will show you how.

My name is Monique Nelson.

I am a liquid solar pool cover expert who has helped dozens of Commercial Aquatics Facilties across North America to cut their operating costs.

A few of my recent clients include the large municipalitites, hotel pools, therapy centers, HOAs -- among many others.

In fact, the City of Thunder Bay was so thrilled with the results they acheived at their pool, he even wrote a Case Study to share with any Aquatic Center interested in saving money! You can read that report here: Case Study: Liquid Pool Covers

Anyway, the reason I you are here today is because I would like to offer you a free -- no strings attached -- guide to signficantly slashing your operating costs.

There is no charge to learn the valuable lessons in the Guide and there is nothing you have to buy. I know that might sound strange, and I'll tell you why I am doing this in a second.

But first, here are some little-known money wasting culprits:
  • Heat loss directly relates to the amount of energy required to heat pool water
  • Make up water can significantly increase your heating bills!
  • Water features increase evaporation, which speeds up heat loss, costing you money
  • Indoor pools waste money on de-humidification when they don't have to
  • Outdoor pools can see their money evaporating into thin air when steam is rising off the water

And much, much more.

Back to the topic though, you are probably still wondering why I am providing you with this extremely valuable information without a catch? The answer is simple: I am in the business of helping swimming pool owners and operators save money. And energy. And water. I have quite a passion for this. Providing you with this Guide will help you understand where your money is going, and give you the power to put it to better use.

If after you have finished digesting the information, you would like my help putting a plan into action, than great!

If not, c'est la vie.

You will have some very valuable information to refer to and, because it is a digital copy, not even a sheet of paper has been wasted.

But here's the thing:

To get this free Guide To Lowering Costs At Your Commercial Aquatics Facility you must sign up for my newsletter. Otherwise, I reserve the right to provide this information to someone else.

Why not sign up for my newsletter now? You are completely able to unsubscribe anytime, but you WILL receive your free guide very shorty after joining.
PS: Below are some of the comments you will find in the guide:

  • “Our pool is heated by gas and our gas bill went down 34%"
  • "[T]he Waterpark has realized a “staggering 540% return on investment!”
  • "I won an award from our management company for the substantial savings in gas heating costs for our property over a four month period.”
  • “From January – March 2009 the pool consumed 756 therms less which is a 20.5% savings in volume of gas on a pool with an Infinity Edge."
  • "I am both surprised and impressed with the results being at least a 50% reduction"
  • "We have also noticed that our heater only runs a quarter of the time that it originally did"
  • "[W]e have realized savings in labor and material costs"

Remember, this guide is 100% free.

But time is short and you must hurry. Simply join up for my newsletter and claim your free guide today -- before it slips your mind, and before you wast a single penny more on your operating costs than you absolutely have to.