Heatsavr Quote Request

Heatsavr, the original liquid solar pool cover, is very easy to use and incredibly cost effective. The following information will help you calculate the required dosage for your unique swimming pool, and give you an idea of the product volumes that are available.

Heatsavr Dosage Rates

Commercial / Public Swimming Pool

The recommended DAILY dosage rate for a commercial aquatic facility is:

1 ounce of Heatsavr per 400 square feet of surface area

Heatsavr should be dosed daily because it is a biodegradable product, and with splashout and 24 / 7 circulation, small amounts of the product will be lost consistently. Adding the liquid pool cover each day will ensure continuous, reliable coverage.

You can dose Heatsavr manually by simply pouring the recommended amount directly into your pool water, or you can use the recommended HS115 Automatic Metering System to control the application for you. 

Residential Swimming Pools

The recommended WEEKLY dosage rate for a residential swimming pool is:

4 ounces of Heatsavr per 400 square feet of surface area

Residential swimming pools typically have fewer daily swimmers than public swimming pools, which means that less of the liquid cover is lost through splashout and regular activity. The product is still biodegradable, however, so adding the liquid pool cover regularly each week will ensure continuous, reliable coverage.

You can dose Heatsavr manually by simply pouring the recommended amount directly into your pool water, or you can use the recommended HS115 Automatic Metering System to control the application for you. 

For smaller residential swimming pools, or above ground pools, you may also be interested in trying our liquid pool cover fish, Ecosavr. It is a once a month application that will make your life easier and your pool water warmer! Click here for more details: More about Ecosavr

Submit your quote request

If you would like to know how much Heatsavr, liquid pool cover, your swimming pool will require, please use the form below to request a usage quote. For quickest return times, please make sure you include the following information in the body of the message:
  • What is the square footage of your pool (Length x Width)
  • Is your pool indoor or outdoor
  • Is your pool public, or residential
  • Do you have any water features, including but not limited to: fountains, pool / spa combintations, infinity edge
  • Where are you located (City / State)