Liquid Pool Cover Basics
Ecosavr Frequently Asked Questions
Heatsavr Frequently Asked Questions

Conserve up to 50% of water lost to evaporation!
Find out How!
For more information on Flexible Solutions, the exclusive manufacturer of Heatsavr™ and Ecosavr™, please visit
Liquid Pool Cover Basics
How do liquid pool covers compare to plastic pool blankets?

Based on a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week comparison, the liquid solar pool cover is about 75% as effective as a plastic pool blanket.
It is important to remember that the liquid solar pool cover is protecting your pool 100% of the time, even while you are swimming, whereas a plastic pool blanket is only effective when it is properly secured and perfectly fitted to your pool.
To read more on the comparison of plastic and liquid pool covers please read the study conducted by the Professional Pool Operators of America (PPOA) and this engaging 5 part blog post series titled "Plastic Pool Blankets VS Liquid Pool Covers."
It is important to remember that the liquid solar pool cover is protecting your pool 100% of the time, even while you are swimming, whereas a plastic pool blanket is only effective when it is properly secured and perfectly fitted to your pool.
To read more on the comparison of plastic and liquid pool covers please read the study conducted by the Professional Pool Operators of America (PPOA) and this engaging 5 part blog post series titled "Plastic Pool Blankets VS Liquid Pool Covers."

Can I swim while a liquid pool cover is on my pool?

Absolutely! Heatsavr and Ecosavr are specially formulated to be completely undetectable when they are in use. You will not be able to see, feel, smell or taste the liquid pool cover when it is used as recommended.
Once a liquid pool cover is covering your pool, swimmers will cause the product to break up and move away from them, but as soon as the water calms behind a swimmer the liquid blanket will reform itself!
Once a liquid pool cover is covering your pool, swimmers will cause the product to break up and move away from them, but as soon as the water calms behind a swimmer the liquid blanket will reform itself!

Are liquid pool covers safe?

Yes! Heatsavr and Ecosavr are completely safe for all swimmers, pool equipment and the environment!
Toxicology reports have been done on the product and shown that it is absolutely safe for use in any swimming pool.
The Heatsavr liquid pool cover is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. When used as recommended it will not alter the chemistry of your water, or affect your equipment in any way.
Toxicology reports have been done on the product and shown that it is absolutely safe for use in any swimming pool.
The Heatsavr liquid pool cover is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. When used as recommended it will not alter the chemistry of your water, or affect your equipment in any way.

What if pets and / or children drink from the pool water?

Liquid pool covers were created to be used while people - and pets - were swimming. For that reason, safety was a high priority during the original development.
Flexible Solutions has spent a great many years gathering data and information to prove that Ecosavr and Heatsavr are completely safe for all swimmers. Even if you, your children, or pets drink from the pool water, the liquid pool cover will not harm them.
If you are storing excess liquid pool cover product, it is recommended that you keep it out of reach of children and pets, and it should never be ingested from the container, similar to the safety precautions of all other pool chemicals.
Flexible Solutions has spent a great many years gathering data and information to prove that Ecosavr and Heatsavr are completely safe for all swimmers. Even if you, your children, or pets drink from the pool water, the liquid pool cover will not harm them.
If you are storing excess liquid pool cover product, it is recommended that you keep it out of reach of children and pets, and it should never be ingested from the container, similar to the safety precautions of all other pool chemicals.

Can I use a liquid pool cover if my circulation system is on and / or I have jets running?

The dosage rate for liquid pool covers was carefully and strategically set to work on pools under regular pool use conditions. As such, the dosage rate it high enough to compensate for some product always moving through the circulations system, and some product being splashed out during regular pool usage.
Because of the unique and patented formula, Heatsavr and Ecosavr will form a complete layer over a pool's surface, moving at a speed of approximately 6 mph. This means that some water interruption will only cause very temporary disruption in the coverage, and only over a very limited area.
Because of the unique and patented formula, Heatsavr and Ecosavr will form a complete layer over a pool's surface, moving at a speed of approximately 6 mph. This means that some water interruption will only cause very temporary disruption in the coverage, and only over a very limited area.

What happens to a liquid pool cover when it's windy?

During periods of quite high winds, a liquid pool cover will be moved to one side of the pool if the pool is not sheltered from the wind. However, your pool will always have partial coverage, saving more heat, energy and water than you would if there was no cover in use at all.
As soon as the wind dies down, the product will re-spread itself out over the entire surface of the pool. Even though the coverage with a liquid pool cover may be temporarily disturbed during high wind periods, the savings will still be obvious - and you won't have to chase a plastic pool blanket around your yard or pool area!
As soon as the wind dies down, the product will re-spread itself out over the entire surface of the pool. Even though the coverage with a liquid pool cover may be temporarily disturbed during high wind periods, the savings will still be obvious - and you won't have to chase a plastic pool blanket around your yard or pool area!

How will a liquid pool cover affect my chemistry and / or equipment?
Heatsavr™ is pH neutral, so it will not affect the chemistry within your pool. Furthermore, it only rests on the very surface of the water, so it doesn't even interact with any of your chemicals. Additionally, Heatsavr™ will not affect any of your pool equipment.
The molecular size of the liquid pool cover is so small it was flow right through even the best filter media on the market, and simply work its way through the circulation system until it returns to the main body of water.
The molecular size of the liquid pool cover is so small it was flow right through even the best filter media on the market, and simply work its way through the circulation system until it returns to the main body of water.

Should I use a liquid pool cover if my pool ISN'T heated?

You should absolutely use Ecosavr or Heatsavr even if your pool isn't heated!
Liquid pool covers have been proven to reduce overnight heat loss by about 50%, so if you are not heating your pool, you will be able to keep your water warmer, for a longer period of time.
As an added bonus, a liquid cover will also lower your water loss, so you won't have to refill your pool as often!
Liquid pool covers have been proven to reduce overnight heat loss by about 50%, so if you are not heating your pool, you will be able to keep your water warmer, for a longer period of time.
As an added bonus, a liquid cover will also lower your water loss, so you won't have to refill your pool as often!

If your pool is heated, Heatsavr will help retain the heat generated by your heater in your pool, so that you don't have so spend as much money heating your water up to temperature you want to maintain.
In 3rd party trial results, the average energy savings on heated pools using Heatsavr the liquid solar pool cover, have been between 10% - 35%.
In 3rd party trial results, the average energy savings on heated pools using Heatsavr the liquid solar pool cover, have been between 10% - 35%.

Can I use a liquid pool cover on an indoor OR outdoor swimming pool?

Every pool experiences evaporation, whether indoors or outside, and evaporation is the primary cause of heat loss. For this reason, regardless of the location, using a liquid pool cover will help to maintain the water temperature of your pool.
For indoor pools, not only will Heatsavr help reduce the costs of energy used to keep the pool heated to your desired temperature, but it will also help control the humidity levels in your pool room.
For indoor pools, not only will Heatsavr help reduce the costs of energy used to keep the pool heated to your desired temperature, but it will also help control the humidity levels in your pool room.

Can I use a liquid pool cover with a salt water generator?
Yes, you can use Ecosavr™ and/or Heatsavr™ if you have a salt water generator. Our liquid pool covers are pH neutral and will not alter any of your normal pool chemistry. It is also safe for all your other pool chemicals and equipment, including filters.
You can use Heatsavrâ„¢ on a Spa or Hot Tub, but we recommend increasing the dosage rate slightly to compensate for the much higher temperatures. The recommended daily dosage rate is 1 ounce per 50 square feet for use on a Spa or Hot Tub.
Also, if you have a specially fitted Spa cover for your spa, we recommend using it whenever possible. However, if your Spa is open for large periods of time, Heatsavr will be able to significantly reduce the heat loss, which will lower the energy required to run your heater.
Also, if you have a specially fitted Spa cover for your spa, we recommend using it whenever possible. However, if your Spa is open for large periods of time, Heatsavr will be able to significantly reduce the heat loss, which will lower the energy required to run your heater.

Can I use a liquid pool cover on a commercial swimming pool?

Commercial aquatics centers have been using liquid pool covers manufactured by Flexible Solutions since the early 1990s. They continue to use Heatsavr because of the great savings they see on their heat loss, energy bills and water consumption.
If you have a commercial swimming pool, Heatsavr can help you cut your operating costs significantly. Would you like to read some real customer experiences? Visit Commercial Facilities Success Stories!
If you have a commercial swimming pool, Heatsavr can help you cut your operating costs significantly. Would you like to read some real customer experiences? Visit Commercial Facilities Success Stories!

Ecosavr Frequently Asked Questions
Ecosavr is a patented fish shaped application method for Heatsavr the original liquid solar pool cover.
Basically, it is a transparent liquid that spreads across the surface water of your pool to reduce heat loss by lowering the rate of evaporation. Since pools lose up to 70% of their heat through evaporation, using Ecosavr can help you keep that heat in your pool - instead of evaporating into thin air!
Basically, it is a transparent liquid that spreads across the surface water of your pool to reduce heat loss by lowering the rate of evaporation. Since pools lose up to 70% of their heat through evaporation, using Ecosavr can help you keep that heat in your pool - instead of evaporating into thin air!
1 Ecosavr will cover a 400 square foot pool (a pool with approximately 15,000 gallons of water) for about a month.
If your pool is larger than that, you can use two Ecosavr. However, if you have a very large pool, one that is more than 800 square feet, you may want to consider trying Heatsavr with another application method.
If your pool is larger than that, you can use two Ecosavr. However, if you have a very large pool, one that is more than 800 square feet, you may want to consider trying Heatsavr with another application method.

Should my Ecosavr float, or sink?
Ecosavr should always sink to the bottom of your pool in order to work effectively. Watch the video below, for a short instructional showing you how to get your Ecosavr to sink properly!
Once it is in your pool, the water pressure and the fact that the Heatsavr liquid inside each fish is lighter than the water in your pool, will ensure that the liquid cover rises to surface. It will then spread itself out - just like putting a physical cover on your pool, only much easier!
Once it is in your pool, the water pressure and the fact that the Heatsavr liquid inside each fish is lighter than the water in your pool, will ensure that the liquid cover rises to surface. It will then spread itself out - just like putting a physical cover on your pool, only much easier!

Why did the blue liquid inside my Ecosavr turn clear?
Will my pool vacuum try to suck up my Ecosavr fish?
Occasionally, a bit of pool water will get inside your Ecosavr™ fish when it is in your pool. The sanitizing agents you use to keep your water clean will cause the tiny amount of food-grade die used in our Heatsavr™ formula to turn clear. Don't worry, the active ingredient is still doing its job, covering your pool and keeping the heat in!
If having a small fish at the bottom of your pool disturbs your pool vacuum, you can also put the Ecosavr™ in your skimmer basket. If it is a bit too big, just fold the tail in a bit. As long as the entire fish is submerged in water, it will work great!

Can Ecosavr be used in an above-ground or in-ground pool?
One of the greatest things about liquid pool covers is that they can form themselves to any size or shape of swimming pool.
Because of this unique quality, Ecosavr will be just as effective on an above-ground pool as it will be on an in-ground pool.
Just make sure you are using the right amount of product to cover the size of your pool, and you can't go wrong!
Because of this unique quality, Ecosavr will be just as effective on an above-ground pool as it will be on an in-ground pool.
Just make sure you are using the right amount of product to cover the size of your pool, and you can't go wrong!

Heatsavr Frequently Asked Questions
What is Heatsavr?

Heatsavr is a transparent liquid that spreads itself out over the surface of a body of water. When it is added to your pool, it creates a liquid barrier between the water and the air, which helps to reduce the rate of evaporation.
Since the average pool loses approximately 70% of its heat to evaporation, Heatsavr helps maintain the water temperature in any pool, saving heat, water and money to keep a pool's heater running.
Since the average pool loses approximately 70% of its heat to evaporation, Heatsavr helps maintain the water temperature in any pool, saving heat, water and money to keep a pool's heater running.

How much Heatsavr do I need for my Residential pool?
Residential swimming pool owners can dose their pools on a weekly dosage at a recommended rate of 4 ounces of Heatsavr for every 400 - 600 square feet, or approximately 20,000 gallons of water.
For more information on using Heatsavr on home pools, visit Residential Pool Owners.
For more information on using Heatsavr on home pools, visit Residential Pool Owners.

What is the dosage rate of Heatsavr for a Commercial pool?
Commercial aquatics centers have been using liquid pool covers manufactured by Flexible Solutions since the early 1990s. They continue to use Heatsavr because of the great savings they see on their heat loss, energy bills and water consumption.
If you have a commercial swimming pool, Heatsavr can help you cut your operating costs significantly. Would you like to read some real customer experiences? Visit Commercial Facilities Success Stories!
If you have a commercial swimming pool, Heatsavr can help you cut your operating costs significantly. Would you like to read some real customer experiences? Visit Commercial Facilities Success Stories!

Can I automate the application of Heatsavr?

Yes, you can automate the application of Heatsavr for any size, shape or location!
The HS115 is the automatic metering system recommended for use with Heatsavr the liquid solar pool cover. The system itself is simple, easy to install and very low maintenance.
The HS115 is the automatic metering system recommended for use with Heatsavr the liquid solar pool cover. The system itself is simple, easy to install and very low maintenance.
The system itself is simple, easy to install and very low maintenance. That being said, as with any equipment, there may be some minor troubleshooting necessary throughout the extended life of the pump. You can find the answers to the most common troubleshooting questions here: HS115 Troubleshooting
For a copy of the installation manual, which also includes solutions to all the troubleshooting questions listed here, you can click the following link: HS115-Manual.pdf
For a copy of the installation manual, which also includes solutions to all the troubleshooting questions listed here, you can click the following link: HS115-Manual.pdf

Purchasing Options
Where can home owners purchase liquid pool covers?
For help finding a local supplier of Ecosavr or Heatsavr please contact Flexible Solutions. Provide your city and state / province and we will do our best to find a liquid pool cover retailer as close to you as possible.
Please use the form below, or contact us as follows:
Flexible Solutions
[email protected]
Toll Free (800) 661-3560
If, for some reason, we cannot find a conveniently located supplier for you, you may want to consider ordering liquid pool covers online.
Please use the form below, or contact us as follows:
Flexible Solutions
[email protected]
Toll Free (800) 661-3560
If, for some reason, we cannot find a conveniently located supplier for you, you may want to consider ordering liquid pool covers online.

How can my pool business start selling/promoting liquid pool covers?
How can my distribution company start offering liquid pool covers?
What options are there to purchase liquid pool covers outside of North America?
If you own or operate a business within the pool industry and you would like to add Heatsavr or Ecosavr to your product line, please contact your preferred Distributor for product pricing and availability. Alternatively, you can get in touch with Flexible Solutions directly to help you find the most convenient distribution source.
If you are a Distribution company within North America - and by Distribution company we specifically mean a business that warehouses product in volume with the sole purpose of selling to businesses within the pool industry, be they retailers, builders, or service companies - and you are interested in offering Heatsavr and Ecosavr to your clients, please get in touch with us directly using the form below.