Guest Post: Do Liquid Solar Covers Really Work?
My Experiment: Do Liquid Solar Covers Really Work?
I’ve been in the pool industry for many years and have sold my fair share of traditional solar covers throughout that time. When we started carrying the liquid solar cover in my store, I thought to myself, “this is the greatest thing ever!” I hated putting on and taking off MY solar cover on my 28 foot round above ground pool. It’s big, it’s bulky, it’s a flat-out pain in the... you know what.
Once we received the liquid solar covers, I put them right on the front counter and sold them to everyone. I mean, it’s a product that keeps the heat in your pool! It’s genius.
So for years, I sold these, but never used them on my own pool. That pool is long gone (due to my younger siblings attempting to ice skate on it during the winter), and I never got the chance to see if the liquid solar cover really worked.
Once we received the liquid solar covers, I put them right on the front counter and sold them to everyone. I mean, it’s a product that keeps the heat in your pool! It’s genius.
So for years, I sold these, but never used them on my own pool. That pool is long gone (due to my younger siblings attempting to ice skate on it during the winter), and I never got the chance to see if the liquid solar cover really worked.
The Idea
Last month, I recorded a podcast with Monique Nelson, marketing director and the main blogger here, about liquid solar covers. We mainly talked about the science behind the product and the benefits of using it.
After the interview Monique and I were chatting about a few things and we had an idea to do a small-scale experiment to prove that the liquid actually worked to reduce evaporation and increase the temperature of the water. She sent me out a couple of EcoSavrs™ and a bottle of HeatSavr™ for the experiment.
That weekend, I set out to conduct a visual experiment, in my pool-less backyard, to prove that liquid solar covers work!
After the interview Monique and I were chatting about a few things and we had an idea to do a small-scale experiment to prove that the liquid actually worked to reduce evaporation and increase the temperature of the water. She sent me out a couple of EcoSavrs™ and a bottle of HeatSavr™ for the experiment.
That weekend, I set out to conduct a visual experiment, in my pool-less backyard, to prove that liquid solar covers work!
The Experiment
For this project I needed a few supplies. I planned on filming the experiment so I needed to think visual. First, how can I show water evaporation on a small scale?
I went to a local restaurant and asked if I could borrow two clear containers that they use to making crispy and delicious hot wings. Sure enough, they had two 4-quart containers that were identical. However, I knew that the clear water in the clear containers would be hard to see on video, so I used blue food coloring to enhance the visual.
My plan was simple. Take two containers side by side, fill them with the same amount of water at the exact same temperature, and add a few drops of the HeatSavr™ liquid to only one of those containers. The other container would be left alone to evaporate.
I left the containers outside for 48 (really hot) hours. During the evening after the time had elapsed, I checked the evaporation levels. To be honest, they were not as significant as I thought, but when I measured the temperatures of both containers, the container with the HeatSavr liquid was 5 degrees warmer! I was impressed that in just 48 hours you could see that difference.
Also, I knew the video would be boring unless I added some sort of “fun.” So I went and bought myself a lab coat and fake horn-rimmed glasses to make me look a little more “official.”
I’m a beer homebrewer, so I already owned the erlenmeyer flask and beakers that I used in the beginning of the video (I was channeling my recent obsession with the cinematography of Breaking Bad).
All in all, I thought the video was a huge success. If I had the resources, I would love to take two identical 16’x32’ inground pools side-by-side and conduct the same experiment. Only this time, we could measure its effects with the filter system and other pool chemicals. Perhaps down the road.
I went to a local restaurant and asked if I could borrow two clear containers that they use to making crispy and delicious hot wings. Sure enough, they had two 4-quart containers that were identical. However, I knew that the clear water in the clear containers would be hard to see on video, so I used blue food coloring to enhance the visual.
My plan was simple. Take two containers side by side, fill them with the same amount of water at the exact same temperature, and add a few drops of the HeatSavr™ liquid to only one of those containers. The other container would be left alone to evaporate.
I left the containers outside for 48 (really hot) hours. During the evening after the time had elapsed, I checked the evaporation levels. To be honest, they were not as significant as I thought, but when I measured the temperatures of both containers, the container with the HeatSavr liquid was 5 degrees warmer! I was impressed that in just 48 hours you could see that difference.
Also, I knew the video would be boring unless I added some sort of “fun.” So I went and bought myself a lab coat and fake horn-rimmed glasses to make me look a little more “official.”
I’m a beer homebrewer, so I already owned the erlenmeyer flask and beakers that I used in the beginning of the video (I was channeling my recent obsession with the cinematography of Breaking Bad).
All in all, I thought the video was a huge success. If I had the resources, I would love to take two identical 16’x32’ inground pools side-by-side and conduct the same experiment. Only this time, we could measure its effects with the filter system and other pool chemicals. Perhaps down the road.
The Video
Finally, here is the video I put together and sent to Monique. Hope you enjoy it.
The Testimonial
As a bonus, the good people at asked its Twitter and Facebook follower to film a video testimonial for a contest they are holding. I was sitting at my desk when I received the tweet, and it just so happened that I had a EcoSavr™ on my desk from when I was editing the video. I decided to create my own video for them, and as of this minute, I am the ONLY person to submit a video for their contest. They said I set the bar too high, whoops!
That $100 gift card for winning won’t do me any good in a pool-less backyard...
That $100 gift card for winning won’t do me any good in a pool-less backyard...
If you have any questions about the method to my madness, or general pool heating questions, please submit them in the comment section below.
Happy Swimming!

Matt Giovanisci is the creator of Swim University and has over 15 years of experience in the swimming pool and hot tub industry. He is also an award winning web designer and has been featured on Martha Stewart Radio as a pool & spa expert. Follow Me On Twitter | Like Us On Facebook | Got Pinterest?
Posted in Guest Postings
Posted in liquid solar covers, pool industry, solar covers, traditional solar covers, liquid solar cover, solar cover, above ground pool, heat in your pool, pool, heatsavr, ecosavrs, reduce evaporation, increase temperature of water, monique nelson, do liquid solar covers really work
Posted in liquid solar covers, pool industry, solar covers, traditional solar covers, liquid solar cover, solar cover, above ground pool, heat in your pool, pool, heatsavr, ecosavrs, reduce evaporation, increase temperature of water, monique nelson, do liquid solar covers really work
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The video explains everything. I'm going to try the liquid solar cover.
Great post. I really enjoyed the video. Well-explained.
Interesting! Then I guess I should use liquid solar cover for my pool from now on. Thanks for the new insight!
hi - what happens to the liquid solar cover when filter is running? I assume it gets sucked into skimmer and gets stuck in sand filter, which then clogs up sand filter or gets flushed out in backwash - correct?
Trying to covince my property manager in Key West that we can limit the evaporation in a couple of pools but he is a hard sell. Can you point me to any tests that have been done by thrid parties or folks we can contact to discuss
Wow! I have never heard of liquid pool covers until now. This is something we'll have to consider.
Really very nice and useful post shared. Thanks for this.
Can I use a liquid solar cover in addition to a regular solar cover on my pool?
Should you turn motor to pool off to make planet for pool
can you please name these third part sites that have done testing and why haven't you done and published your own?
I want to know what about the bugs and leaves to stay out of the pool
Hi! I just bought some of your product. Our pool water is rusty (well water) so we do tend to backwash the filter daily or every other day. This spews water out a pipe into the backyard. Will this practice require us to replenish the solar cover more often than once a month?
How Long Does Swimming Pool Solar Covers Last?
does this product affect a salt water chlorine generator?
Can I use the liquid pool cover in conjunction with a traditional solar bubble blanket for even better results or will it stick to my blanket and get removed?
I live out in the country with a lot of trees, lot of leaves and falling debris. A lot! Will the liquid solar covers work with the plastic cover that came with my Intex pool? Or will that covers designed to block leaves and debris, also block the sun and cause the liquid solar products to not work?